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President Reagan began regulatory reform with Executive Order 12291, titled simply “Federal Regulation”; President Clinton watered it down with EO 12866; and President Trump beefed it up with EO 13771 (“Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs”) and EO 13777 (“Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda.”) The executive orders required a cost/benefit analysis to assure that the costs of major regulations would be compared with their benefits. But on his first day in office, President Biden revoked those executive orders with his own memorandum titled “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” If you read the memorandum carefully, you’ll see that the word “modernizing” is inapt. Indeed, the memorandum would more accurately be labeled “Replacing Cost/Benefit Analysis with Rock, Paper, Scissors.”

Rock Paper Scissors the most popular game, which most of us has been played between classes, now you can play this classic game live with a realistic theme. Make your choose between the 3 symbols for each round. Each symbol is superior to another. Rock can beat scissors, paper can beat rock, scissors can beat the paper. The one who reaches 3 score first, wins the game. Create a Game Challenge a friend (or foe) to a game of rock-paper-scissors or rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock. Simply enter the names below, send the link to your opponent, and start playing. The Game This rock-paper-scissors game illustrates the basic principles of an adaptive artificial intelligence technology. Like Afiniti, the system learns to identify patterns of a person’s behavior by analysing their decision strategies in order to predict future behavior. “Rock paper scissors” is a simple and interesting game. Many of us used to play it in a school to resolve disputes or just to spend some time. But how to play if your friends are far away? For this reason was created.
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This is from David R. Henderson, “Open Season For New Regulations,” Defining Ideas, February 4, 2021.

Another excerpt:

But even if that weren’t a problem, there are two other major problems. First, notice that the OMB is being put in a position not so much to screen regulations as to propose them. Does this mean the agencies will quit proposing regulations and passively await direction from the OMB? No way. Indeed, the memorandum reads as if President Biden is proposing that OMB be a cheerleader for new regulation. He states that he wants OIRA to “play a more proactive role in partnering with agencies to explore, promote, and undertake regulatory initiatives that are likely to yield significant benefits.” Rah, rah, sis boom bah.
The second major problem is one that anyone with much experience dealing with bureaucracy will probably notice: with so many possible criteria, regulators will have running room to implement regulations they like because those regulations pass some criteria even while they fail others. The regulators might, for example, choose a regulation that promotes public health and safety but at the expense of economic growth. Without cost/benefit analysis as a guide, how will they trade off between these two criteria? Any way they like.
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Note also the disappointment I express with Cass Sunstein’s take. He should know better.
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Read the whole thing.