Play Bridge Online Free Against Computer

4/12/2022by admin

Bridge Online • Play Bridge Card Game for Free

On Bridgedoctor you can play against the computer (Practice Hands or Daily Competition) or you can play Live games in an online room with your friends. If you have a Premium (paid subscription) membership you can invite your friends can play Live Bridge in a room with you for free - your friends can be on free memberships. Bridge Online, Your Way. Let the fun and competition begin. Play the game s you love with friends and family or get matched with other live players at your level. Trickster Bridge offers customizable rules so you can play Bridge your way! Fast-paced, competitive and fun — for free! Get matched by skill to other live players. Advantages of Playing Bridge Online. We all should be thankful for the internet. The game which was earlier available only in places like bars and clubs, is now available everywhere, named as bridge online. Now you can even play bridge online, free against computer is you are getting bored. Most of the websites now allow players to play bridge. Spades is a trick-taking card game devised in the United States in the 1930s and became popular in the 1940s. It is a partnership card game that, like Bridge, is descended from the old English game of Whist.

Bridge online is another fantastic trick-taking card game that uses a standard deck of 52 cards. The basic free bridge game is played by 4 players in 2 competing partnerships. Partners are sitting opposite each other around a table. Thousands or even millions of people play bridge around the globe in clubs, tournaments or some people even attend tournaments to play bridge online. Thanks to the internet now you can play free bridge whenever you desire. The bridge card game consists of several deals, each progressing through 4 phases. In this site you can play bridge online multiplayer. That means you can play with players around the globe. Or you can play bridge online against the computer and have a bot as a partner. Check it: Bejeweled Blitz • Play Bejeweled for Free


The free bridge online is a 4 player partnership trick taking game with 13 tricks per deal. Each of the players receives 13 cards from a standard 52 card deck. A trick begins when a player leads, plays the first card. Each of the players, in a clockwise order, plays one card. The player who is next must play a card of the same suit. In some cases where some player doesn’t have the same suit, he/she may play any card. Check: Chess Online • Play Free Chess

The person who played the highest-ranked card wins the trick. Within the suit, the ace is ranked highest. In this site, while playing bridge online you will have support from the game. Those tips will appear as long as you don’t hit “don’t show”. So we are going to stop about the gameplay since you will have help from the computer to help you pick up the bridge card game faster.


The online bridge game is another member of the family of trick-taking games. It is a great and popular game that millions of fans enjoy playing. The main idea of this game has its first origins in Italy and France. In addition, the game is initially more than 400 years old. In 1925 Harold Vanderbilt reviewed the scoring system in a truly ingenious way to give us the Bridge game we play today. Play also: Tic Tac Toe / XO Game

Well, enough of history and gamplay of Bridge online. In this site you can enjoy a free bridge whenever you want. Play bridge online for free against the computer or against other players. You can use this as a practice for your next match with your friends. Go enjoy free bridge card games online, free whenever you please.

Play a round of Bridge against your computer on any device. No sign-up required, nothing to join, just a quick practice environment when friends aren't available.

What's New Recently

WIKI BRIDGE is now a Progressive Web App.

A Progressive Web App allows a web application, such as this game, to behave like a native application on your device. Try it. Save this page to your desktop or homepage then launch it from the icon. It even works when you're offline. Enjoy!

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Make sure to 'bookmark' this page to enjoy Wiki Bridge anywhere even without an Internet connection.

This game assumes you already know how to play Bridge. If not click here for a quick introduction.

If you don't like the hands you were dealt you can select the browser's 'Refresh' button to deal new ones. Don't worry, your scores are saved on this device.


Your hand (SOUTH) is at the bottom of the screen, your partner (NORTH), controlled by the computer, is at the top. By default N/S will be dealt the higher point hands allowing you to play for declarer more often.

The declarer's contract is displayed at the top left as the team (N/S or E/W), the level (1-7), the trump suit (C, D, H, S or N) and the current up (+n) or down (-n) trick count.

Tricks won by the declaring team are collected at the bottom left. Tricks won by the defending team are collected at the bottom right. The cards in the last trick, for each team, can be viewed at any time by tapping on the pile.


Hand points are calculated as follows.


A player should have more than 12 points to open the bidding and at least 6 points to respond to an opening bid.


Tap a suit button (★ for No-Trump) to cycle through the valid bids in that suit then press ✔ to place your bid or ✖ to pass, ! to double and !! to re-double.

Wiki Bridge uses a modified Goren bidding system that is similar to the modern Standard Americansystem as outlined in this table.

(☆ = No Trump)
Opening Bids
1 in suit (1)13-234+ trumps
2 in suit (2♠)24+4+ trumps
2☆22-24no singletons
Response to Opening 1 in Suit
raise to 2 in suit (1 2)6-94+ trumps
raise to 3 in suit (1 3)13-164+ trumps
1 in higher suit (1 1♠)6+4+ trumps
2 in higher suit (1 2♠)10+4+ trumps
1☆6-9any distribution
2☆13-16no singletons
Response to Opening 2 in Suit
anything else7+Ace, King and 4+ trumps
Stayman (1☆ 2♣)7+
Blackwood (4☆)
Other Special Bids
2 in suit to 1☆ (1☆ 2)0-66+ trumps
second 2☆ (1 2♣ 2☆)13-15even distribution
second 3☆ (1 2♣ 3☆)19-21even distribution
shutout (open 3)0-127+ trumps, weak hand
opponent overcall8+5+ trumps
Play Bridge online, free Against Computer

Here are the bids for the game in progress.


When it's your turn to play, drag a card from your hand (or North's hand if dummy) and drop it onto the transparent target area displayed near the center of the table ('S' for South or 'N' for North). If you drop it outside the target it will slide back to your hand. This is the computer equivalent of 'a card laid is a card played' giving you a chance to reconsider your choice before committing.

Here is the scoresheet for your current game. The scores are saved automatically on this device so that you may continue a game at a later time.

Played Hands

(none yet)

Play Free Bridge Online Against Computers

(C=club, D=diamond, H=heart, S=spade, NT=no trump, d=doubled, dd=re-doubled, v=vulnerable, rbr=rubber)

(tap the link below to clear the scoresheet and start a new game)

Play Bridge online, free Against Computer No Download

For the best experience use the Chrome browser from Google.

Ideal for play on handheld tablets.

Just visit from your browser and your ready to play.

You can even play Wiki Bridge on your smartphone.It's a little tight depending on the size of your screen but it is playable and it won't use any of your precious cellular data while playing the game, just once to load.

Bridge Base Play Against Computer

Visit from your browser and your ready to play.

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Always free. No sign-up or setup. My games are safe to play online since I never ask for or save any personal information.

Enjoy and thanks for your support.

Play Duplicate Bridge Against Computer

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WIKI BRIDGE - revision #40

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