Flyordie Backgammon

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Fly or Die is a multiplayer survival game. You start as a small fly and level up as you eat more food. As you evolve, other players become part of your diet too. Each level comes with a new special ability and more things to eat. Backgammon 194 points 4,351 matches. Blitz Chess 74 points 2,109 matches Memory 27 points 57 matches Curling 0 points 23 matches. 247 Backgammon offers the best backgammon game online. Play with an artificially intellegent opponent or play with a friend with Pass & Play! 247 Backgammon has games in five difficulites, ranging from easy to expert! You'll be sure to find a difficulty you feel comfortable playing, whether you are a beginner or seasoned backgammon player.

Forums » Backgammon
Backgammon # 2
Replies: 1 Pages: 1 Most recent reply posted by: Jim007 (Oct 22, 2020 3:27 AM)
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Backgammon # 2 Posted: Oct 22, 2020 3:27 AM
Can anyone provide light on the following
- When in a Backgammon Tournament how do you challenge an opponent as my challenge link button is not live.
- It there somewhere within this games site you can look up additional Backgammon info? like scoring rating system

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Re: Backgammon # 2 Posted: Feb 7, 2021 7:31 PM

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Flyordie Backgammon

Forums » Backgammon
Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair
Replies: 13 Pages: 1 Most recent reply posted by: lechacal999 (Feb 1, 2016 12:09 AM)
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Registered: Nov, 2015
Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Feb 1, 2016 12:09 AM
I was playing a 10 points match and the other player was leading 6-1. In the following game, i got an amazing advantage. The cube value was 4. He had 3 mens on my 2 point and 4 mens on the bar and was behind at least 100 points in the pips count. His homebord was weak (only made 3 points). 14 of my checkers were on my home board and i had made the 1,3,4,5 and 6 point. My last checker was on his way to my homeboard.
Then he resign and i got 8 points for a gammon (2 for gammon multipliate by 4 for the cube value). I had really REALLY good backgammon chances (with 7 of his checkers on my homeboard or on the bar) which would had make me win the match (13-6) right away. Instead i get a 9-6 lead but he make a comeback (in a doubtful way, see below) and i lost the match.
He double the next game (which did not respect the Crawford rule) and win a gammon so he win 10-9.
So, i lost the match because i did not get my backgammon points (REALLY unfair), AND the Crawford rule was not applied, which is also REALLY unfair. 2 rules not applied in the same match to make me lose. All this is a total joke and is an insult to the spirit of the game.
Other situation : i had 12 checkers bear off and 3 checkers on my 2 points. The other player had 0 checker bear off, 1 checker on the bar, 1 on my 3 point and an other one on my 4 point and he roll 3-4 and resign and i only get a gammon. With 2 of his checkers on my home board after he play and a shot for me to roll a double 2 or better with the dice (5 out of 36 chances) i had some backgammon chances. Even if i fail to roll a double with the dice, he can fail to get his last 2 checkers out if he roll low number with the dice. Again, i lost equity because my opponent resign without finishing the game.
This is a big problem with this site and this should be fixed by enable people to resign if the other player did not agree. Also apply the Crawford rule so match play can be fair.

Posts: 6
Registered: May, 2015
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Feb 5, 2016 2:13 AM
I don't understand why an opponent can resign when he or she is facing a gammon. This violates the rules of backgammon

Flyordie backgammon online
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Registered: Nov, 2001
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Feb 5, 2016 7:31 AM
Could you please provide a generally accepted definition of what should be considered as 'facing a gammon' ?
Thank you.

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Registered: May, 2015
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Feb 27, 2016 2:23 PM
Thank you. I am bearing off with only 6 stones to bear off. My opponent has 7 stones to get home. 3 are just outside my home. He resigns and I get 1 point.

Flyordie Backgammon
Posts: 10
Registered: Apr, 2014
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Mar 25, 2016 8:24 PM
In my experience 'resigning' when your opponent is about to bear off and you have not borne any off any DOES (usually) result in a gammon being scored. My complaint is that quitting your browser (that is, quitting without actually resigning) does NOT produce a gammon. This just happened to me *again* when my opponent still had two men outside his inner board and I was about to bear off. This is cheating and it should not be allowed. I can't imagine that this situation is that hard for the servers to calculate.

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Registered: Sep, 2004
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Mar 29, 2016 10:34 AM
Resigning or closing the browser window are the same: The program will calculate the odds if the game will be a gammon or not. If the possibility of a gammon is high enough, gammon scoring will be applied.

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Registered: Jan, 2009
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Apr 11, 2016 9:25 PM
Crawford Rule:
There is no justification to allow that there is a bet fold, fold as this makes no difference to the other player. Example: 4X3 on a starting five can not be fold; In a 3X2 starting 5 may be only one fold, and so on.
Give up to avoid backgammon:
Using the icon 'Give Up', it could never be allowed. It is the same to finish a football game before a penalty charge. utter frustration!
Connection loss:
In this case, the server should calculate what the most likely, if the game ends with backgammon win or not, and most likely should prevail.
Player loses on purpose to encourage the opponent to get more points:
This kind of situation can not help. The victory backgammon can not be sacrificed on the grounds that a player may favor his opponent, because this can be done the way it is today, just takes a little more time.

Posts: 10
Registered: Apr, 2014
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Aug 13, 2017 8:01 PM
I just had the same thing happen. I had borne off all but two men. My opponent still had five men outside his home board and had borne off 0. He resigned, I received credit for only a single game. He didn't close his browser, because he immediately asked for a return match. This seems like a fundamental bug in the scoring calculation.

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Registered: Apr, 2014
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Aug 13, 2017 8:02 PM
I just had the same thing happen. I had borne off all but two men. My opponent still had five men outside his home board and had borne off 0. He resigned, I received credit for only a single game. He didn't close his browser, because he immediately asked for a return match. This seems like a fundamental bug in the scoring calculation.

Flyordie Backgammon Game

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Registered: Apr, 2018
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Apr 12, 2018 1:40 AM
That's too bad. What can I do to make it right?

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Registered: Mar, 2017
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: May 15, 2018 6:48 PM
I'm another user frustrated when other players give up to avoid a gammon or backgammon. Not very sporting.

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Registered: Apr, 2014
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Sep 4, 2018 4:57 PM
And it just happened again. I had born off 4, my opponent still had checkers outside his home board. He quit, but I didn't get credit for a gammon. This CAN'T be that hard to fix!!

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Registered: Mar, 2016
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Feb 16, 2019 7:10 PM
Just happened to me as well. That is unfair because you know players do it on purpose because they know they will get out of it. And you are all right it should NOT be that hard to fix. It is things like that on this site that makes me want to find somewhere different to play

Posts: 11
Registered: Jan, 2018
Re: Resign to avoid backgammon - unfair Posted: Feb 26, 2019 3:04 PM
This glitch encourages people to leave the game when behind. I do it now after it was done to me several times.

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